ASCII Anything
A weekly deep dive into all things tech. Join us every Wednesday to find out who from Moser Consulting's more than 350 resident experts we'll be talking to and what they're focused on at the moment.
ASCII Anything
S8E11: A Cavalcade of Capitalism - Our Annual Black Friday Recommendations
As the holiday season approaches, we're back with our annual crowd-sourced Black Friday gift ideas episode. Join us as we talk with some of Moser's consultants about the things they're putting under the tree this year, as well as what they're hoping to find in their own stockings.
Here are just a few of the items we covered:
The Remarkable 2 Digital Writing Tablet:
The Fluffy Puffin Microfiber Hand Towel:
The Life Straw Personal Water Filtration System:
Anker Soundcore Space Q45 Adaptive Active Noise Cancelling Headphones:
The VSee Box V3 Plus: