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S9E1: Paradise By The Dashboard Lights

Moser Consulting Season 9 Episode 1

Welcome to the premiere of SEASON 9!

Dashboards are a powerful tool that transform complex data into clear, actionable insights. By consolidating key metrics in one place, they help individuals and organizations make informed decisions, track performance, and drive strategic outcomes.

Joining us this week are Moser's VP of Data & Analytics, Adrienne Watts, and one of our Senior Consultants, Melissa Steffensen. They're with us to discuss dashboard creation and the 3/30/300 principle, a design philosophy that states in 3 seconds, users should get an overview of the most important questions and areas. In 30 seconds, they should filter and zoom to identify periods and categories to focus on. And in 300 seconds, they should be able to get details on demand to inform their decisions and actions.

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